What Proactive Cybersecurity Means for Your Business

What Proactive Cybersecurity Means for Your Business

Do you spend hours obsessing about the inner workings of DNS-layer security, intrusion prevention systems, and data encryption? If you’re not a managed IT services provider (MSP), you probably don’t. Instead, you’re probably looking for a business partner to manage...
Router malware worse than experts realize

Router malware worse than experts realize

In May, security experts discovered one of the most widespread malware infections in history. Now, they’re warning businesses and consumers that it’s even worse than their first assessment. The VPNFilter malware poses a threat to small businesses and requires...
What You Need to Learn About Cryptojacking

What You Need to Learn About Cryptojacking

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Monero are so popular because they’re secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars. But investors and consumers aren’t the only ones interested in them. Hackers are using malicious tactics to steal cryptocurrency, and they’re...
How to Fight Ransomware with Virtual DR

How to Fight Ransomware with Virtual DR

Ransomware takes your data hostage and demands a payment for its recovery. While it may seem like there’s no other choice but to pay the ransom, you should never give in to the hacker’s demands. Before the next wave of ransomware comes around, protect your business...