Google Drive Updated Its Comment Feature

Google Drive Updated Its Comment Feature

Google recently launched a new feature on Google Drive that will improve collaboration. Users can now use a combination of Microsoft Office and G Suite while working with their teammates and clients. This update allows them to conveniently comment on Office files,...
Office 365 vs. Google Apps on Android

Office 365 vs. Google Apps on Android

For business owners who want to increase employee productivity, one of the most heated debates is over which cloud productivity software is best. If your company uses Android devices, we have some tips on deciding whether Microsoft Office or Google Apps is better for...
7 Tips to Master Microsoft Excel

7 Tips to Master Microsoft Excel

One of the skills crucial to the success of businesses today is digital literacy. This isn’t the proficiency of reading and reciting gadget labels, but according to Cornell University, “the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using...
10 Office 365 Features that Got You Covered

10 Office 365 Features that Got You Covered

So you’ve been using Office 365 for your business for quite some time now. But did you know there are a few nifty features that you can use to make work just a little bit easier? From cutting down tedious tasks to getting work done with multiple people at the same...