3 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Computer

3 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Computer

It’s inevitable. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to replace your computer. But while it may not be as fast as when you first got it or as sleek as your new computer, your old desktop or laptop might still have a lot to offer— after upgrading it a little, that...
How to Prevent Theft of Service in VoIP

How to Prevent Theft of Service in VoIP

VoIP phone systems use the internet just like any PC. Therefore, hackers can gain access to your servers and data network through VoIP phones. Understanding how to combat theft of service in VoIP is critical, and if you want to learn how to do it, read on. What is...
Five Things You Need to Do on Your New Laptop

Five Things You Need to Do on Your New Laptop

Getting a new laptop can be very exciting. It guarantees a more seamless user experience with faster speed, more memory, and better battery life. But it’s all for naught if you don’t take certain preventive steps before using your new machine. Discover five things you...
How to Move Files from Android to PC or Mac

How to Move Files from Android to PC or Mac

If you’re that somebody today wondering how to transfer your files from your Android phone to your computer, here is how you do it: What you need: Your Android phone A computer with a USB port A USB cable What you need to do: If you have a Windows computer… Start by...
What You Can Do with Your Dinosaur Computer

What You Can Do with Your Dinosaur Computer

When smartphones first outsold PCs in 2010, people no longer have to put up with slow and bulky computers to do business. This comes as no surprise why many stashed their aged PCs away. But there are ways to breathe new life into your dinosaur computer and laptop, so...