Office 365 vs. Google Apps on Android

Office 365 vs. Google Apps on Android

For business owners who want to increase employee productivity, one of the most heated debates is over which cloud productivity software is best. If your company uses Android devices, we have some tips on deciding whether Microsoft Office or Google Apps is better for...
OneNote: The Hidden Gem in MS Office

OneNote: The Hidden Gem in MS Office

Almost everyone loves PowerPoint, Excel, and Word, but there’s another Office application that should be recognized as a must-have: OneNote. It’s an app for pulling together text, video, audio, and other visual resources. This is to create shareable notebooks full of...
Microsoft Word Bug: What You Need to Know

Microsoft Word Bug: What You Need to Know

Software developers and hackers are in a constant game of cat and mouse. When cybercriminals find new security bugs to exploit, tech companies have to quickly release a solution that secures those vulnerabilities. Just this month, Microsoft released a patch to...
Office 365 Gets an Upgrade!

Office 365 Gets an Upgrade!

Did you know that Microsoft’s Office 365 platform provides updates to their online components once every quarter? This is quite impressive because as an end user, you’ll be able to enjoy a more feature-rich and intuitive experience with your cloud productivity suite...
10 Office 365 Features that Got You Covered

10 Office 365 Features that Got You Covered

So you’ve been using Office 365 for your business for quite some time now. But did you know there are a few nifty features that you can use to make work just a little bit easier? From cutting down tedious tasks to getting work done with multiple people at the same...