Last minute gift ideas.

by | Dec 14, 2010 | Fun Stuff

For those of us who have not checked everyone off the list yet.

iPad; who would open this gift and not smile?  And, for the price (about $500), not a terribly expensive gift, but a big enough price tag for it to be the front runner of this years pile of gifts.

Samsung Galaxy Tab;  the iPads competition. It has some features that the iPad currently lacks such as dual cameras and support for flash. (about $600)

Flip video; sleek design and fool proof to manage. Films in HD with up to 4 hours of continuous recording . 3 inch widescreen touchscreen works great for the novice videomaker! A perk for this is that you can make it personally designed for the gift receiver by downloading a favorite picture or design for the casing, and it can be as original and unique as the person who receives it.  Starts at $149.99

Kinect;  for the special one you know who loves their Xbox. You are the controller (as their slogan suggests), play games simply by moving around.  Its motion sensing capability also allows navigation of the Xbox 360’s menus with swiping gestures and the built-in microphones work with voice recognition to enable voice command for basic functions. $149

Nook; for the one you love who loves to read.  The displays text is as crisp and clear as a printed page and offers great contrast with no glare or backlight so you can read with ease, even in bright sunlight.  There are over 2 million books available to download wirelessly in seconds and can hold up to 1,500 books.  It has an extra-long battery life so you can read for days.  Exclusive LendMe lets you share reading with friends for up to 14 days. $149

iPod Nano Touch;  iPods newest Nano has a 1 ½ inch square touch screen.  The new nano is a smart, fast, capable player that should please a lot of people looking for something new this holiday season.  $149

LG BD300 Blu-Ray Player;  for the movie/tv lover.  This fully functioning player plays both Blu-Ray and standard DVDs.  It also has the ability to stream from online sources such as YouTube, Netflix and Hulu. $129.99

PENTAX Optio W90 Camera;  for the rugged photographer.  Completely durable as it is waterproof, shockproof & coldproof.  It also features a digital microscope mode with LED lens lighting.  12.1 megapixels. $279.95